Procedure specific additions

Je nach Druckverfahren, kannst du gewisse Einstellungen vornehmen bzw. Kosten berücksichtigen. Die verfahrensspezifischen Zusätze kannst du im Kalkulator unter dementsprechenden Tab konfigurieren. Filamente Im FDM-Verfahren, wo Filamente zum Einsatz kommen, kannst du folgende Parameter definieren und berücksichtigen. Druckdüsen-Abnutzung Eine Druckdüse hat eine bestimmte Lebensdauer. Je nach verwendeten Filament, kann diese schneller oder langsamer verschleißen. Um…

Image Description

Depending on the printing process, you can make certain settings or take costs into account. You can configure the process-specific additions in the calculator under the corresponding tab.


In the FDM process, where filaments are used, you can define and consider the following parameters.

Print nozzle wear

A print nozzle has a certain lifetime. Depending on the filament used, it can wear out faster or slower. In order to distribute the costs for new print nozzles to the print jobs, you can enter the costs and the service life for the nozzle here (roughly).

In the example above, $0.20 is charged per print (per file and per piece).

Printing sheet wear

The same principle as with nozzle wear.

The two settings are shown as follows in the calculation result. The print job consists of a print part that is printed 3 times. This results in $0.20 * 3 = $0.60 and $0.40 * 3 = $1.20.

Material Changeover Cost (Manual Multi-Material Prints)

Costs for manual material changes can be taken into account here. A good example of this is when a sign is printed. The body has a different color than the font. A change of material would be necessary here, which can be taken into account here with the desired costs.

If the option is active that all materials should be used for the print job, then the material costs of all selected materials are combined instead of being considered individually. A note appears below the selection box.

The same calculation but with the option disabled looks like this.

Here, the materials are treated separately. The costs then change depending on which material is now active and should be used.





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