Older versions

Version 1.0.1

Released on 2020-06-25

  • First release for internal tests and settings of the app store & Google Play

Version 1.0.2

Released on 2020-07-11

  • Changed: Unit price is now visible in the calculation result
  • Updated: German translation
  • Updated: Minor changes for the design
  • New: Cumulative prices are now displayed when several calculations are selected in the overview
  • New: Service & repair logbook (recording service measures with costs & duration)
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.0.3

Released on 2020-07-12

  • Fixed: App crashes on tablet
  • Fixed: Incorrect display on version details page
  • Updated: Style optimized for tablets

Version 1.0.4

Released on 2020-07-18

  • Fixed: App crashes when no printer is created but the service page is opened
  • Fixed: Fixed typo in translation (German)
  • Fixed: Message when changing language was not completely displayed
  • Updated: Updated empty hearing view. Now a "right" button
  • Updated: German language updated
  • Updated: A flag was added for third-party software solutions to indicate whether the package was modified or not
  • New: Settings for the project name added (consecutive numbering, etc.)
  • New: Easier entry via buttons (can be changed in the app settings) for the calculator
  • New: Added customer management (create & edit)
  • New: Export as PDF file implemented
  • New: synchronization with LexOffice (customers)

Version 1.0.5

Released on 2020-07-19

  • Fixed: PDF was not generated on Android devices
  • Fixed: Charts background sometimes turns black
  • Fixed: Wrong documentation links
  • New: Settings page for permissions

Version 1.0.6

Released on 2020-07-24

  • Fixed: “Create” button on customer side without function (with empty list)
  • Fixed: Display errors on some Android devices
  • Updated: German translation
  • Fixed: Display errors on some Android devices
  • Updated: Code improvements & optimizations
  • New: Option to hide the respective page title
  • New: Display of a loading screen as long as the app is performing actions
  • New: Setting to change the currency regardless of the language

Version 1.0.7

Released on 2020-07-25

  • Fixed: Date selection on the export page has no function
  • Fixed: Fixed incorrect translations
  • Updated: German translation

Version 1.0.8

Released on 2020-08-06

  • New: Export of several marked calculations as a PDF file
  • New: Printer statistics based on costs and calculations (how much the printer is paid for)
  • New: Company details can now be entered for the PDF file
  • New: Filters for customers and calculations
  • Fixed: Currency symbols, except USD, were not shown in the PDF
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed
  • Updated: New font for PDF file
  • Updated: Selection boxes for printer and material replaced by search boxes
  • Updated: Timeout for API calls added
  • Updated: German translation
  • Updated: Icons instead of text for a new machine hourly rate

Version 1.0.9

Released on 2020-08-09

  • Fixed: “Edit” is lost if a new window is opened in the input mask
  • Fixed: “Dark mode” was not recognized and set on Android devices
  • Updated: “Loading” indicator added for all pages
  • Updated: German translation

Version 1.1.0 (RC)

Released on 2020-08-12

  • Fixed: Fixed minor display errors in the styles
  • Updated: First stable release
  • New: App now publicly available (beta program remains active for pre-testing new updates)

Version 1.1.1

Released on 2020-09-07

  • Fixed: Dark / Light mode does not switch if device settings have been changed (Android)
  • Updated: Code & design optimized
  • Updated: Selection of work steps for calculation improved
  • New: project page with error & feature requests
  • New: Quick menu for adjusting the calculator
  • New: Automatic loading of the last material / printer
  • New: Option to toggle between dropdown / auto-completion for printer and material selection
  • New: Groups for list views

Version 1.1.2

Released on 2020-09-25

  • Updated: Code & design optimized
  • Updated: Target version for Android increased to Android 10 (API level 29)
  • New: Possibility to use several files for the calculation
  • New: Possibility of Gcode analyzes from to load OctoPrint (last print time & volume)
  • New: Option between entering the volume or the weight
  • New: Calculation aid for the weight over the material
  • Fixed: Info for machine hourly rate was cut off

Version 1.1.3

Released on 2020-09-27

  • Fixed: Settings for switching between volume and weight did not work
  • Fixed: Background on conversion pages incorrectly displayed on IPhone 11
  • Fixed: Calculation result for printer and material was not displayed correctly
  • New: Possibility to load Gcode data from Repetier Server Pro (last print time & volume)

Version 1.1.4

Released on 2020-10-13

  • Fixed: “Apply Taxes” was not saved
  • Fixed: Taxes were also calculated when the option was disabled
  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes and optimizations
  • Updated: German translation
  • Updated: Fonts updated to the latest version

Version 1.1.5

Released on 2020-10-20

  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed (design)
  • Updated: German translation
  • Updated: Nugets updated
  • Updated: Target API level increased to Android 10
  • New: Introduction of the lite version (free, limited functions)

Version 1.1.6

Released on 2020-10-25

  • Fixed: App lost style when it was fetched from the background
  • Fixed: "About us" page, the text overlapped the icons below (Android)
  • New: “GoogleUserMessagingPlatform” implemented to enable legally secure consent for advertising (only free version)

Version 1.1.7

Published on 2020-11-07 (internal release)

Version 1.1.8

Released on 2020-11-07

  • Fixed: App did not recognize if tablet or phone on some devices
  • Fixed: App asks for consent every time it is started (free version)
  • Fixed: App brings an error message when a printer has been edited
  • New: Printer type (FDM, SLA, SLS, etc.) can now be selected when creating / editing

Version 1.1.9 (intern)

Released on 2021-03-29

  • Fixed: Price per gram was only updated when the price was changed
  • Fixed: Xamarin.Forms updated to support Xiaomi devices
  • Fixed: Material family was not loaded when material was edited
  • Fixed: PDF could not be exported on Android 10
  • New: conversion factor for kg to liter introduced (necessary if “ml” or “l” or “powder” is selected as material)
  • New: event manager for better error detection
  • New: Microsoft AppCenter for diagnosis and crash data
  • Updated: Exchange of Xam.Plugins.Settings with Xamarin.Essential
  • Updated: "Swipe Left" improved

Version 1.1.10 (Pro)

Released on 2021-04-05

  • New: Integrated backup and restore function
  • Updated: More modern and clearer design
  • Updated: Input design improved (areas can now be collapsed)
  • Updated: Calculation reports are now saved in the “Documents” folder on Android
  • Removed: Removed unnecessary third party (nugets) packages
  • Fixed: File selection for Repetier-Server did not work

Version 1.1.11 (Pro)

Released on 2021-04-08

  • Fixed: Data backup and PDF export on iOS does not work
  • Fixed: Work steps could not be selected
  • Updated: Work steps are now grouped by their category
  • New: Work steps can now be defined with a number

Version 1.1.12 (Pro)

Veröffentlicht am 2021-04-11

  • New: loading screen, which synchronizes the customers when starting (if active in the settings)
  • Aktualisiert: Weitere Optimierung für Tablets
  • Updated: Removed unnecessary elements / optimization
  • Updated: Creation of new servers (OctoPrint & RepetierServer) improved
  • Aktualisiert: Sortierung bei Kunden auf “Vollen Namen” geändert
  • Behoben: Druckdateien konnten nicht bearbeitet werden
  • Fixed: Wrong standard port stored for OctoPrint
  • Fixed: Errors occurred when synchronizing LexOffice contacts
  • Fixed: Folder for backups was not created (iOS)
  • Fixed: Rounding error in the printing time calculator fixed
  • Behoben: Filter-Fenster bei Kunden wurde nicht geöffnet
  • Behoben: Bei Kundenauswahl wurde die Gruppierung nicht verwendet

Version 1.1.13 (Pro)

Released on 2021-04-24

  • New: Process-specific additions can now be taken into account
  • New: Choice of colors for materials
  • Updated: Improved loading screen
  • Updated: Editing for selected work steps improved
  • Fixed: Work steps were added again when a modal window was opened
  • Fixed: With Repetier Server & OctoPrint file selection, the print time and volume were sporadically not displayed

Version 1.1.14 (Pro)

Released on 2021-05-03

  • New: Option to set the standard input method for print information in the settings
  • New: sevDesk support implemented
  • New: Extended filter for customers (filtering by source now possible)
  • New: Option to save an image for the printer
  • Fixed: Image selection on Android did not work
  • Fixed: LexOffice did not synchronize if fewer than 25 customers were created
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.1.15 (Pro)

Released on 2021-05-28

  • New: Implementation of the data protection settings
  • New: Implementation of the ATT (App Tracking Transparency) for iOS
  • New: Note to save backup in iCloud or files (iOS), as this is saved in the app folder
  • Updated: Settings for process-specific additions moved to a modal window
  • Updated: Modal window size increased on iPads
  • Fixed: Display error on tablet in landscape mode fixed
  • Fixed: If print files were selected from a print server, no ID was assigned
  • Fixed: Settings for process-specific additions were not displayed when activated for the first time
  • Fixed: Customers were also synchronized, even if deactivated in settings
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.0 (Pro)

Released on 2021-06-06

  • Fixed: Color selection cut off on older devices
  • Fixed: Note in data protection settings adjusted
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.1-beta (Pro)

Released on 2021-09-26

  • New: Option to deactivate the calculation of "number of pieces * printing time" (for printers where the number of pieces does not increase the printing time, e.g. with SLA)
  • New: You can choose the theme color yourself (Pro version)
  • Updated: More colors are now available
  • Updated: Colors for diagram in “light” design adjusted
  • Fixed: Chart when exporting does not show all costs
  • Fixed: Diagram was not translated when exporting
  • Fixed: When exporting multiple calculations, the folder and not the PDF was opened
  • Fixed: Energy costs were displayed as the printer name
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.2-beta (Pro)

Released on 2021-11-16

  • New: iCloud sync for iOS added
  • Updated: Project cleaned / cleanup
  • Updated: Window for setting crash & analysis reports on iOS replaced by ATT query
  • Fixed: Icon cut off on iOS
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.3-RC (Pro)

Veröffentlicht am 2021-11-24

  • Updated: Xamarin.Forms updated to the latest version
  • Updated: Different icon for Pro version
  • Fixed: When changing printers, the models were not loaded correctly from the Repetier server
  • Fixed: Incorrect gradient background color if standard theme color was not selected
  • Fixed: Newly created printers, materials and customers in the selection window were not adopted in the calculator when selected
  • Behoben: Pro Version hängt beim Ladescreen
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.4-Beta (Pro)

Released on 2021-11-29

  • New: Possibility to edit calculations
  • New: Repeated calculation no longer leads to a new calculation, but updates the currently selected one
  • Updated: PDF export with more settings and information
  • Fixed: Fixed alignment of headings in PDF
  • Fixed: Distance too small if diagram was not exported
  • Fixed: When exporting several calculations, the PDF was not opened (Android)
  • Fixed: Printer family could not be selected (filament, resin ...)
  • Fixed: Process-dependent additives are now calculated correctly if a type other than “Filament” is selected
  • Fixed: App hangs in the loading screen in places on Android
  • Fixed: Fixed spelling errors
  • Fixed: Last selected customer was not loaded on startup
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.5-Beta

Released on 2021-12-02

  • Updated: loading screen adjusted (status indicator added)
  • Fixed: Customers were synchronized individually with iCloud when starting the app
  • Fixed: Lex-Office-Sync setting was not synchronized with iCloud
  • Fixed: Regex pattern for LexOffice and SevDesk access tokens out of date
  • Fixed: Fixed bug when synchronizing customers in the settings
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.6-RC

Released on 2021-12-19

  • New: Option to deactivate the hardware back button on Android
  • Fixed: If the “Customers” page was selected as the app entry page, the app hung on the loading screen
  • Fixed: Settings window for iCloud-Sync removed in Lite-Version
  • Fixed: File selection with OctoPrint did not work
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.7-Beta

Veröffentlicht am 2022-12-11

  • Neu: Support für Moonraker-basierende Druckserver (Fluidd & Mainsail)
  • Aktualisiert: OctoPrint-Abhängigkeiten aktualisiert
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.8-Beta

Veröffentlichung nur intern

  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2.9-Beta

Veröffentlicht am 2023-08-18 (iOS)

  • Neu: Brasilianische Übersetzung hinzugefügt
  • Neu: Servernamen werden nun in der Auswahl angezeigt
  • Neu: Excel-Liste als Exportziel hinzugefügt
  • Neu: Auswahl von Druckern und Materialien nun über unsere Online-Datenbank möglich
  • Aktualisiert: PDF-Export erweitert (Kundenversion)
  • Aktualisiert: Kalkulator-Ansicht verbessert (Dateien nun in einem eigenen Tab)
  • Aktualisiert: Auswahlbox für Kalkulationen nun im Kalkulator verfügbar
  • Behoben: Dateien konnten bei Bearbeitung einer Kalkulation nicht geändert werden
  • Behoben: Exporter respektiert nun die aktuelle Kultur (Währungssymbol)
  • Behoben: Verhalten von “Zurück”-Button auf Android-Geräten angepasst
  • Behoben: Anzeige für gewählte Themen-Farbe fehlerhaft
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed


Upcoming release

  • Behoben: Synchronisierung der Materialtypen
  • Fixed: Minor bugs fixed

Planned functions (roadmap)

The following functions are still planned and will be added later with further updates.

  • Synchronisierung der Einstellungen (mit v1.2.2 hinzugefügt, nur iOS)
  • Gruppen für Arbeitsschritte zur schnelleren Auswahl

Known issues

The following issues are known but must be fixed by the developers of the third-party software provided.

  • Einstellungen für verfahrensspezifische Zusätze wurden beim ersten Aktivieren nicht angezeigt (#164830)