Calculate the machine hourly rate

Calculate your machine hourly rate with our 3D printing cost calculator

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The machine hourly rate is an important factor for calculating the final offer price, especially for commercial 3D printing service providers. For this reason, you can calculate your hourly rate directly in our tool and assign it to your printer(s).

Create a new hourly rate

Besuche dazu den “Maschinenstundensatz-Rechner”-Tab im linken Hauptmenü. über den “+”-Button kannst du eine neue Berechnung erstellen.

Overview of your machine hourly rate calculations

You will then see an input mask in which you can enter your information about your printer, such as

  • Price
  • Depreciation
  • Interest
  • Useful life
  • and many more

can enter. The more information you enter here, the more accurate your calculated hourly machine rate will be.

Eingabemaske für den Maschinenstundensatz
Entry mask for your hourly rate

Load data from 3D printer

Um dir die Eingabe zu erleichtern, kannst du auch die Daten, wie Name & Preis direkt von deinem angelegten 3D Drucker laden. Klicke dazu einfach auf den “Von Drucker laden”-Button und wähle deinen gewünschten 3D Drucker aus.

Auswahl des 3D Druckers für die Daten
Selection of the device


In the following, we explain the individual information that you can or must provide for the hourly rate.


The name is only used to identify your hourly rate. As a rule, this should be the name of the 3D printer.

Time base for calculation

Hier kannst du entscheiden, ob du deine Informationen als “pro Jahr” oder als “pro Monat” angeben möchtest. Wählst du hier “pro Monat”, dann werden zur Berechnung deine Angaben automatisch mit 12 multipliziert.

Machine hours

With this value you enter the calculated runtime of your printer per time base (month or year). The higher the value or utilization, the lower the hourly machine rate.

Fixed costs

Fixed costs are, as the name suggests, fixed and known costs that can be expected. These include:

  • Replacement costs (purchase price of the device)
  • Depreciation (results from the usage time as well as the interest and the purchase price)
  • Maintenance & repair costs
  • Rent for location / office
  • Electricity costs
  • And additional fixed costs

Variable costs

As a rule, these costs do not occur. However, to be on the safe side, an assumed value can be entered here, e.g. If there is an unplanned rent increase or the electricity costs increase extremely, this is already factored in to a certain extent.


Here is a small example of a possible machine hourly rate calculation.

Beispiel einer Maschinenstundensatz-Berechnung
Example of an hourly rate calculation

Abschließend, wenn du mit deiner Eingabe fertig bist, klicke auf “Maschinenstundensatz hinzufügen” um diesen zu speichern.

Assign machine hourly rate

Nach erfolgreichen Erstellen deines ersten 3D Drucker-Stundensatzes kannst du diese nun für deine 3D Drucker zuweisen. Dies geht über den “3D Drucker”-Tab im linken Hauptmenü.

Create or edit printer

Depending on whether you want to adapt an existing printer or create a new one, you can select and assign the hourly rate in the input mask.

Maschinenstundensatz zuweisen
Assign machine hourly rate

Here you have two options for how you want to set an hourly rate.

Free value

If you have carried out your calculation in another tool, you can simply enter a free value. Simply tick the free text entry and an input field will appear.

Fester Wert für den Stundensatz

Assign created hourly machine rate

Um eine, in unserem Tool erstellte, Berechnung zuzuweisen, klicke auf den “Maschinenstundensatz zuweisen”-Button und wähle das gewünschte Element aus.

Stundensatzberechnung auswählen
Select the desired calculation

Finally save your printer or complete the new creation. Now your device is set up with a machine hourly rate, which is automatically taken into account in the calculation.

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